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Folders & Files

Directory Structure ```shell script $ tree -L 3 . ├── backbone │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── origin │   │   ├── from_origin.py │   │   ├── __init__.py │   │   ├── resnet.py │   │   └── vgg.py │   └── wsgn │   ├── customized_func.py │   ├── from_wsgn.py │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── resnet.py │   └── resnext.py ├── config.py ├── LICENSE ├── loss │   ├── CEL.py │ └── __init__.py ├── main.py ├── module │   ├── BaseBlocks.py │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── MyLightModule.py │   ├── MyModule.py │   └── WSGNLightModule.py ├── network │   ├── __init__.py │   ├── LightMINet.py │   ├── MINet.py │   ├── PureWSGNLightMINet.py │   └── WSGNLightMINet.py ├── output (These are the files generated when I ran the code.) │   ├── CPLightMINet_Res50_S352_BS32_E20_WE1_AMPy_LR0.05_LTf3sche_OTf3trick_ALy_BIy_MSy │   │   ├── cfg_2020-07-23.txt │   │   ├── pre │   │   ├── pth │   │   ├── tb │   │   ├── te_2020-07-23.txt │   │   ├── tr_2020-07-23.txt │   │   └── trainer_2020-07-23.txt │   └── result.xlsx ├── pyproject.toml ├── readme.md └── utils ├── cal_fps.py ├── dataloader.py ├── __init__.py ├── joint_transforms.py ├── metric.py ├── misc.py ├── pipeline_ops.py ├── recorder.py ├── solver.py └── tensor_ops.py ```

My Environment

Latest Env Info

The yaml file exported by my latest work environment is code/ minet.yaml. You can refer to the version information of each package in it.

For Apex:

```shell script $ # For performance and full functionality, we recommend installing Apex with CUDA and C++ extensions via $ git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA/apex $ cd apex $ pip install -v –no-cache-dir –global-option=”–cpp_ext” –global-option=”–cuda_ext” ./

## Note

<summary>Configraturn Demo</summary>

# CPLightMINet_Res50_S320_BS4_E50_WE1_AMPn_LR0.001_LTpoly_OTf3trick_ALy_BIy_MSn
arg_config = {
    "model": "CPLightMINet_Res50",  # 实际使用的模型,需要在`network/__init__.py`中导入
    "info": "",  # 关于本次实验的额外信息说明,这个会附加到本次试验的exp_name的结尾,如果为空,则不会附加内容。
    "use_amp": False,  # 是否使用amp加速训练
    "resume_mode": "",  # the mode for resume parameters: ['train', 'test', '']
    "use_aux_loss": True,  # 是否使用辅助损失
    "save_pre": False,  # 是否保留最终的预测结果
    "epoch_num": 50,  # 训练周期, 0: directly test model
    "lr": 0.001,  # 微调时缩小100倍
    "xlsx_name": "result.xlsx",  # the name of the record file
    # 数据集设置
    "rgb_data": {
        "tr_data_path": dutstr_path,
        "te_data_list": OrderedDict(
                "pascal-s": pascals_path,
                "ecssd": ecssd_path,
                # "hku-is": hkuis_path,
                # "duts": dutste_path,
                # "dut-omron": dutomron_path,
                # "soc": soc_path,
    # 训练过程中的监控信息
    "tb_update": 10,  # >0 则使用tensorboard
    "print_freq": 10,  # >0, 保存迭代过程中的信息
    # img_prefix, gt_prefix,用在使用索引文件的时候的对应的扩展名
    "prefix": (".jpg", ".png"),
    # if you dont use the multi-scale training, you can set 'size_list': None
    # "size_list": [224, 256, 288, 320, 352],
    "size_list": None,  # 不使用多尺度训练
    "reduction": "mean",  # 损失处理的方式,可选“mean”和“sum”
    # 优化器与学习率衰减
    "optim": "f3_trick",  # 自定义部分的学习率
    "weight_decay": 5e-4,  # 微调时设置为0.0001
    "momentum": 0.9,
    "nesterov": False,
    "sche_usebatch": False,
    "lr_type": "poly",
    "warmup_epoch": 1,  # depond on the special lr_type, only lr_type has 'warmup', when set it to 1, it means no warmup.
    "lr_decay": 0.9,  # poly
    "use_bigt": True,  # 训练时是否对真值二值化(阈值为0.5)
    "batch_size": 4,  # 要是继续训练, 最好使用相同的batchsize
    "num_workers": 4,  # 不要太大, 不然运行多个程序同时训练的时候, 会造成数据读入速度受影响
    "input_size": 320,



  1. You can customize the value of the arg_config dictionary in the configuration file.
    • The first time you use it, you need to adjust the path of every dataset.
    • Set model to the model name that has been imported in network/__init__.py.
    • Modify info according to your needs, which will be appended to the final exp_name. (The function construct_exp_name in utils/misc.py will generate the final exp_name.)
    • Set the item resume_mode to "".
    • And other setting in config.py, like epoch_num, lr and so on…
  2. In the folder code, run the command python main.py.
  3. Everything is OK. Just wait for the results.
  4. The test will be performed automatically when the training is completed.
  5. All results will be saved into the folder output, including predictions in folder pre (if you set save_pre to True), .pth files in folder pth and other log files.

If you want to test the trained model again…

Our pre-training parameters can also be used in this way.

  1. In the output folder, please ensure that there is a folder corresponding to the model (See Note), which contains the pth folder, and the .pth file of the model is located here and its name is state_final.pth.
  2. Set the value of model of arg_config to the model you want to test.
  3. Set the value of te_data_list to your dataset path.
  4. Set the value of resume_mode to test.
  5. In the folder code, run python main.py.
  6. You can find predictions from the model in the folder pre of the output.

If you want to inference the trained model on your own dataset…



If there are other issues, you can create a new issue.

More Experiments F3Net is the most recent work on SOD, and the performance is very good. I think its training strategy is of great reference value. Here, I have changed our training method by learning from its code. To explore the upper limit of the performance of the model, I tried some ways to improve the performance of the model on a NVIDIA GTX 1080Ti (~11G). * To achieve a larger batch size: * we reduce the number of intermediate channels in AIMs; * we apply the `checkpoint` feature of PyTroch; * <https://blog.csdn.net/one_six_mix/article/details/93937091> * <https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/checkpoint.html#torch.utils.checkpoint.checkpoint> * we set the batch size to 32. * Use more effective training strategies: * We apply multi-scale training strategy (borrowed from the code of F3Net). * Network parameters are trained in groups with different learning rates (borrowed from the code of F3Net). * Multiple learning rate decay strategies with/without the warmup technology. Results: D | | | DO | | | HI | | | E | | | PS | | | SOC | | | MT | LRDecay | Optimizer | InitLR | Scale | EP ---------|---------|---------|------------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|-----------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------|---------------|-------------------------|-----------------|----------|-----------|------- MAXF | MEANF | MAE | MAXF | MEANF | MAE | MAXF | MEANF | MAE | MAXF | MEANF | MAE | MAXF | MEANF | MAE | MAXF | MEANF | MAE | | | | | | 0\.853 | 0\.787 | 0\.048 | 0\.794 | 0\.734 | 0\.060 | 0\.922 | 0\.891 | 0\.036 | 0\.931 | 0\.908 | 0\.043 | 0\.856 | 0\.810 | 0\.084 | 0\.377 | 0\.342 | 0\.086 | FALSE | Poly | Sgd\_trick | 0\.05 | 320 | 40 0\.866 | 0\.793 | 0\.043 | 0\.789 | 0\.722 | 0\.059 | 0\.925 | 0\.888 | 0\.034 | 0\.935 | 0\.905 | 0\.041 | 0\.874 | 0\.822 | 0\.070 | 0\.382 | 0\.347 | 0\.110 | FALSE | Poly | Sgd\_trick | 0\.001 | 320 | 40 0\.881 | 0\.822 | 0\.037 | 0\.803 | 0\.746 | 0\.053 | 0\.934 | 0\.904 | 0\.029 | 0\.942 | 0\.919 | 0\.036 | 0\.880 | 0\.837 | 0\.066 | 0\.390 | 0\.356 | 0\.081 | FALSE | Poly | Sgd\_trick | 0\.005 | 320 | 40 0\.878 | 0\.815 | 0\.039 | 0\.803 | 0\.745 | 0\.054 | 0\.934 | 0\.904 | 0\.029 | 0\.944 | 0\.919 | 0\.035 | 0\.878 | 0\.833 | 0\.067 | 0\.385 | 0\.352 | 0\.079 | FALSE | Cos\_warmup | Sgd\_trick | 0\.005 | 320 | 40 0\.878 | 0\.815 | 0\.038 | 0\.797 | 0\.741 | 0\.054 | 0\.931 | 0\.901 | 0\.031 | 0\.941 | 0\.917 | 0\.038 | 0\.875 | 0\.831 | 0\.067 | 0\.382 | 0\.355 | 0\.085 | FALSE | Cos\_warmup | Sgd\_trick | 0\.003 | 320 | 40 0\.892 | 0\.836 | 0\.036 | 0\.820 | 0\.763 | 0\.053 | 0\.943 | 0\.918 | 0\.026 | 0\.950 | 0\.929 | 0\.034 | 0\.884 | 0\.847 | 0\.064 | 0\.388 | 0\.355 | 0\.087 | TRUE | f3\_sche | f3\_trick | 0\.05 | 352 | 40 0\.891 | 0\.834 | 0\.037 | 0\.820 | 0\.762 | 0\.055 | 0\.942 | 0\.915 | 0\.026 | 0\.948 | 0\.928 | 0\.034 | 0\.888 | 0\.844 | 0\.064 | 0\.394 | 0\.359 | 0\.120 | TRUE | Cos\_warmup | f3\_trick | 0\.05 | 352 | 40 0\.895 | 0\.840 | 0\.035 | 0\.816 | 0\.762 | 0\.055 | 0\.942 | 0\.915 | 0\.027 | 0\.947 | 0\.927 | 0\.034 | 0\.884 | 0\.843 | 0\.066 | 0\.395 | 0\.359 | 0\.112 | TRUE | Cos\_w/o\_warmup | f3\_trick | 0\.05 | 352 | 40 0\.893 | 0\.838 | 0\.036 | 0\.814 | 0\.759 | 0\.056 | 0\.943 | 0\.917 | 0\.026 | 0\.949 | 0\.930 | 0\.033 | 0\.886 | 0\.849 | 0\.065 | 0\.395 | 0\.359 | 0\.134 | TRUE | Poly | f3\_trick | 0\.05 | 352 | 40 * D: DUTS * DO: DUT-OMRON * HI: HKU-IS * E: ECSSD * PS: PASCAL-S * MT: Multi-scale Training * EP: Epoch Number NOTE: The results here are for reference only. Note that the results here are all tested on the complete test datasets. In fact, some of the results here can be higher if testing in the way of the existing papers. Because the test set in my paper follows the settings of the existing papers, some datasets, such as HKU-IS, are not tested with the complete dataset. 注: 此处结果仅供参考。请注意,这里的结果都是在完整的测试数据集上测试的。事实上,如果按照现有论文的方式进行测试,这里的一些结果可能会更高。由于本文中的测试集遵循现有论文的设置,一些数据集,如HKU-IS,没有使用完整的数据集进行测试。